Beating Trump won’t be as easy as many Democrats think

In many ways, Clinton is ill-suited to respond to Trump’s appeals. Trump offers attitude and emotion, and promises to disrupt the system. Clinton offers 10-point plans and caution, and promises to make the system work better. Trump bets that discipline and organization, which Clinton has, do not matter as much as traditional politicians imagine.


Clinton could bet that enough voters will seek substance that all she must do is present herself as serious. She could also bet that enough voters will view Trump as a con man, as his highly negative poll numbers suggest. But the polls could change. Clinton suffers from voter suspicions that she is dishonest, and Trump has already signaled that he will link her to everything about the status quo that people dislike. He will offer himself as a straight-talking alternative.

Merely calling Trump hateful won’t be enough. Also, because many voters find Clinton disingenuous, it might be hard for her to paint Trump with the same brush. Her best bet is to make Trump appear obnoxious and incapable — and call him on his sensitivity when he overreacts to criticism, which would make him seem brittle as well as over his head. Clinton should make the election about competence.

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