Your work friends are the perfect segue into my last bit of advice: embrace your job and work hard upon your return. I am sure that, like me, you embrace the calling to public service. While I had to resign from the Texas State Senate to run for governor, you didn’t have to leave the US Senate to run for president.
That’s great! It means you can jump right back into the critical work of legislating. With all the work that the Senate is doing right now – meeting with appointees to the US supreme court and holding hearings to confirm a new Secretary of the Army, passing budgets – wait, none of that is getting done. Well, you will fit right back in nonetheless given your penchant for shutting down the government when you don’t get your way.
Perhaps 2017 will be better; think of how busy you’ll be battling all those gender equity initiatives that Hillary Clinton will launch as president, advancing the revolutionary ideas of equal pay, reproductive autonomy and family leave policies!
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