Sean Hannity embraces Donald Trump, without apology

In his interviews, Hannity frequently cites areas where he agrees with Trump, or where he thinks Trump was right about something, then asks him to expand on it. Many questions function as a set-up for Trump to discuss anything he wants: “If you win Florida and Ohio, you are well on your way to the nomination to be the Republican nominee for president,” Hannity said during a March interview. “How would that make you feel?”


Hannity often ignores or defends Trump from criticism. When he interviewed Trump in the heat of the controversy over of his failure to disavow the Klu Klux Klan, he never asked Trump about it. After the CNBC debate, Hannity said to Trump: “I felt [moderator] John Harwood was extraordinarily unfair to you and attacking you… I’ve got to imagine that that’s pretty aggravating for you. What’s your reaction to it?”

Hannity thinks his critics cherry pick these examples, but there are many cherries to pick. On terrorism: “I’m sure you wish you were wrong, Mr. Trump, but you were right. What did you see that maybe others didn’t see about what was happening in Brussels and Belgium?” Hannity once told Trump: “You can tell me whatever you want. You’re Donald Trump. You can say anything you want.”

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