Cruz takes on Caitlyn Jenner over transgender fight

“This is not a matter of right or left, or Democrat or Republican. This is common sense. It doesn’t make sense for grown adult men, strangers, to be alone in a restroom with a little girl,” Cruz told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”


“This is the height of political correctness,” Cruz continued. “And frankly, the concern is not of the Caitlyn Jenners of the world, but if the law is such that any man, if he feels like it, can go in a woman’s restroom and you can’t ask him to leave, that opens the door for predators.”…

“I’ve spent a lot of years in law enforcement dealing with child predators that are sick individuals,” Cruz told Tapper. “That doesn’t mean that that is the people who are transgendered. But there are predators in the world, and just saying that you’re a man, you can go in the girls’ restroom if you feel like it, opens the door for criminals.”

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