Five ways Trump will attack Clinton

Physical health and conditioning

Trump has not shied away from attacks against his rivals’ physical appearance, whether it’s Rand Paul’s height, Marco Rubio’s sweat, John Kasich’s eating style or Carly Fiorina’s face.


When it comes to 68-year-old Clinton, the 69-year-old Trump plans to frame his younger rival as too old, too weak and too tired for one of the world’s most demanding jobs.

“Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina … does not have the strength to be president,” Trump said on CNN earlier this month.

“You watch her life, you watch how she’ll go away for three, four days, she’ll come back, and she’ll go, I think she just doesn’t have the stamina.”

Trump, who likes to brag about his own health and how little sleep he needs, has accused Clinton of taking extended breaks from the campaign trail to catch up on her sleep and of taking long naps between campaign appearances.

In the general election, Trump might take that up a notch.

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