With Fiorina pick, Cruz’s H-1B stance now in question

At HP, Fiorina was a prominent supporter of the offshore outsourcing model, said Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University, who wrote about Fiorina’s approaches in his book, Outsourcing America.


“To pump up profits, she was an early adopter of the practice, which given HP’s status as a leading Silicon Valley firm, pushed other firms to adopt offshoring,” said Hira. “It set a precedent that technology firms would now pursue profits through offshoring and that meant that Wall Street would hound executives in other firms to do the same.”

As offshoring gained, Fiorina played a leading role in defending globalization.

To make her point, in 2004, Fiorina said: “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

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