Donald Trump is not your father

Is there a worse way to choose a president? If you’re hoping Trump will be that strong, protective father figure you always wanted, you’re going to be deeply disappointed. You’re also going to be disappointed by Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, or Bernie Sanders. This isn’t a matter of their character; it’s a categorizing error. The job of the president is not to be your dad. If you want a mentor — an older, wise voice of experience in your life, go ahead and go find one. The world is full of good people who can perform that role. But the folks busy competing to be the next commander-in-chief aren’t among them.


There’s something a little unnerving about an eagerness to see a famous person you don’t know as a father figure. Maybe it’s not quite as bad as the people who talk to their televisions as if the characters can hear them, or the horror-movie-watcher who yells out, ‘Don’t go in there!’ as if the person on the screen can heed the warning. But it certainly suggests the same blurred line between daily life and the faraway world of famous figures on the screen…

A president can change policies, but the basic, fundamental quality of your life is up to you and the decisions you make. No president can dispel hardship. A tax cut might put a few more dollars in your pocket, but only you can control your spending habits. Fewer regulations are likely to help the economy grow faster, but only you can apply for a job. School choice gives you more options as a parent, but the federal government can’t help your son understand his homework.


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