Sessions calls plan by Trump's rivals "desperate measures"

“It certainly indicates that they believe Trump is ahead and desperate measures are needed to stop him,” the Alabama Republican told reporters in the Capitol.


Sen. Ted. Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich, the two Republicans still battling Trump, announced a plan late Sunday where they would divide up some of the remaining states in an effort to prevent Trump from getting the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.

“That is a very, very unorthodox action,” Sessions said. “To work with someone who is apparently your opponent to try to stop the front-runner.”…

“The other two candidates are fine people but they’re not showing even the momentum and enthusiasm Bernie Sanders is showing, and Bernie Sanders is not going to get the [Democratic] nomination,” Sessions said. “You know if they were winning, and surging, and gaining in the polls but it almost seems the opposite is true. The enthusiasm is still with Trump. The polling numbers seem to be moving his way continually.”

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