Ted Cruz may be bracing for a poor finish in Tuesday’s five Republican presidential primary races. The Texas senator told Fox News host Sean Hannity late Monday he expects it to be a good day for GOP front-runner Donald Trump, and didn’t muster much excitement for his own campaign’s chances.
“Now tomorrow, as you mentioned, we have some northeast primaries. It may be a good night for Donald,” Cruz said. “Those states tend to be more aligned with New York.”
Cruz, who took third place in the Empire State’s primary last week, has struggled to gain momentum among northeastern voters, especially New Yorkers after his comments faulting residents for their liberal values.
The second-ranked candidate, who currently has 559 of the 1,237 delegates necessary to win the nomination, said Trump will do well with New England and mid-Atlantic voters who “tend to be more on the left end of the spectrum.”
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