Supreme Court meetings fail to sway Republicans

Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland was back on Capitol Hill Tuesday trying to win over GOP senators, but there’s little proof the administration’s charm offensive is working.


“The judge is without a doubt a very, very smart, very knowledgeable, very pleasant individual, [but] I am more convinced now than I was before that this is a choice that should be made by the next president,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) told reporters after his meeting Tuesday evening.

The Pennsylvania Republican suggested he specifically had concerns about Garland’s ability to check overreach from the executive branch.
Toomey was one of three Republicans, along with Sens. Chuck Grassley and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), who sat down with Garland Tuesday.

Grassley, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, reiterated after his breakfast with the president’s pick that he’s standing behind his party’s strategy to block Garland from getting a hearing or a vote.

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