Seven principles for rebuilding after the Trumpocalypse

Despite Principle 2, the continuous escalation of Trump’s odiousness means there must be chronological consideration to one’s souring on Trump. We should set approximate unacceptability dates (AUD) at which being pro-Trump, Trump-curious, and anti-anti-Trump (considered separately) carry with them the assumption that there’s something seriously wrong with you.


The practical difference when dealing with the aftermath will be the “Burden of Sincerity.” If one went from being pro-Trump to anti-Trump before the AUD, then one’s confession carries the presumption of sincerity. #NeverTrump has the burden of demonstrating insincerity in order to reject reconciliation. We would furthermore agree there will never be any future status implications in the pre-AUD crowd relating to the timing of conversion, or of having never been Trump-tempted at all (extension of Principle 2).

Alternatively, if conversion from pro- to anti-Trump occurs after the AUD, then the confessor has the Burden of Sincerity and cannot assume a sympathetic audience. Everything one said can and will be used, if not against them, then as something that must be both acknowledged and recanted.

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