Trump blows off pro-life leaders

Trump was reportedly expected to address Priests for Life and the 115 Forum conference during a conference call on Wednesday. But he bailed. Leslie Palma, a spokesperson for Priests for Life, told The Daily Beast that Trump did not dial-in.


A conservative operative with knowledge of the call told The Daily Beast that pro-life leaders involved were disappointed Trump decided not to speak with them.

Fr. Frank Pavone, who heads Priests for Life, chose not to directly criticize Trump.

“What I can say is that Priests for Life carries out efforts to provide all campaigns an opportunity to connect with the pro-life leadership in America and to receive solid advice on how to deal with abortion,” he said. “As for Donald Trump, I far prefer the kind of mistake he made recently, and then corrected, regarding who should be punished, than the ongoing deliberate mistake of Clinton and Sanders who cannot seem to find an abortion they don’t like.”

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