I'd like to sincerely apologize for Texas

We had two first-term senators running for POTUS this year and 20 years ago both of them would have been crackpots anywhere but the former Confederate states. Neither of them compare at all well to Barack Obama’s first term as a U.S. senator. Obama did more legislating and, by the way, worked with Republicans like Tom Coburn and Dick Lugar.


But I digress from my mea culpa. Texas was, after all, a Confederate state, and it has moved so far to the right that a flaming liberal like George W. Bush would no longer have much of a base there. How far to the right has Texas moved?

Texas is the home of Representative Joe Barton, famous for apologizing to BP because of the “shakedown” when President Obama’s administration wanted the transnational corporation to establish a fund for victims of the Macando oil spill. Only a socialist would think corporations have to clean up after their errors.

Texas is the home of Representative Louis Gohmert, who nominated fellow lunatic Allen West for House speaker after West had been defeated for re-election. Gohmert is known for asserting that oil pipelines are aphrodisiacs for caribou. He famously went off on a CNN reporter who had the gall to ask for evidence of Gohmert’s assertion that terrorists are coming into the U.S. pregnant so they can give birth to little terrorists with U.S. passports.

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