When the time bomb doesn't tick

Without passing judgment on the validity of their passion on the subject, I would think it a practical matter that anyone who agrees that a president should be empowered to authorize the use of EITs in a ticking time bomb scenario would also believe that EITs may actually work, and that a president’s judgment trumps the moral foundation of their opposition to EITs. I can’t see any way around it.


It would then follow that the use of such techniques should be considered within the realm of possibility of any interrogation of any detainee who fits into this ticking time bomb scenario.

From my perspective, there are a number of categories of terrorist personnel who would qualify. For example, before the bomb starts ticking, someone’s got to plan it, brief it to the bosses, identify and train the operatives, direct the procurement of the device and/or whatever components are necessary to set it off, arrange for the travel and housing logistics of the operatives, communicate and coordinate with the operatives and management regarding timing, location, and any issues which may develop during the operation, and give the final authority to execute the operation.

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