The first rule of the GOP convention is that there are no rules

So anything but a Trump victory is a coup by Trump’s definition. The perception of an undemocratic coup will hurt the party. Will it hurt more than having Trump at the top of the ticket? It depends on how much of a coup it is or appears to be.


There is a sliding scale of coupness, ranging from not-a-coup-but-Trump-will-call-it-that to wow-they-stole-the-nomination-from-him.

At the left end of this scale would be Cruz winning on a second ballot after Trump attained a plurality. At the right end would be a 2012-style railroading on the convention floor. In between are dozens of possibilities.

Will the RNC reinstate or discard Rule 40(b), which only allows candidates to be entered into nomination if they win a majority of delegates in eight states? This 2012 rule would leave only Trump and (probably) Cruz eligible as candidates.

Will the RNC change other rules at the last minute? Will they disqualify any Trump delegates?

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