"Vichy Republicans" prove Trump right about gutless establishment

Donald Trump and his supporters contend that the GOP establishment is a bunch of gutless, cowardly weasels who won’t fight for what they believe in. And the establishment is on the verge of proving them right—by supporting Donald Trump.


Haley Barbour, a former chairman of the Republican party and lifelong political insider, is as establishment as you can get. And he’s made his peace with the prospect of Trump as Republican nominee.

“Donald Trump’s not my cup of tea…but I’m gonna vote for whoever our party nominates, even if it’s somebody I don’t agree with on much,” Barbour told Ricochet.com

“I’ve been the chairman of this party. I’m not one who believes I can substitute my judgment for the judgment of millions of Republican voters.”

Gov. Barbour concluded: “If you don’t trust the people and recognize that they’re gonna be wrong sometimes. But in this case their bad decision is one I’d rather have than the Democrats’ candidate Hillary Clinton.”

In other words, in the battle between principle and party, Barbour’s a “Party Uber Alles” man, all the way.

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