This kind of condescending rhetoric hasn’t changed, not from people like Nichols and not from other establishment apologists. At first, the political elites scoffed at the populists, denigrating and attacking them, then they tried to ignore them, and now they’re frothing-at-the-mouth angry, calling them all kinds of names and vowing never to support Trump if he wins the nomination. They’ve written treatises, posts, and tweets declaring how they’re “against Trump” and how anyone who supports him is an idiot or a fascist. They’ve even composed a blacklist of conservatives who support Trump.
I stand amazed as I see more energy and ire coming from political elites in their fight against Trump than I ever saw in the last seven years in response to a president who has used his power in Sauron-like style to dismantle and transform America from a city on a hill to a dark Orwellian dystopia. Even now, as the cultural Marxists disrupt campaign rallies, the political elites are angrier at Trump and his “Trumpkins” than terrorist Bill Ayers and, led by Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, who were the ones responsible for the protests.
Sen. David Perdue (R-Georgia) has observed that the political elites just don’t get it, not after all this time: “Washington political establishment has hit the panic button,” and it’s not because they’re afraid of any one candidate, but “because they are afraid of losing their own political power.”
This is exactly the point. This has always been about a power struggle between the establishment and the voters who are fed up with their condescension and their impotency in the war against the Left.
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