Trump's "riots"

And that’s, honestly, what concerns me the most about a Trump presidency.

Look: I imagine that he’ll govern similarly to Hillary Clinton, Great Wall of Trump and disastrous trade wars aside. He’ll keep Obamacare in place and do little to solve the entitlement crisis headed our way while doing nothing to shrink the size of government elsewhere. Maybe the judges he’d pick for the Supreme Court would be better, who knows. He doesn’t, like, have a track record on the issue.


That being said, a Trump presidency is almost certain to spark protest movements the likes of which we haven’t seen since the start of the Iraq War. People in the streets, marching, shouting, whatever. Not really making a difference, of course, but certainly making themselves feel better. In other words: doing something altogether American! What I fear about a Trump presidency is how he will respond to these movements. Does anyone doubt that he’ll take them as a personal affront? That he’ll use the slightest pretext to send in armed forces to “maintain order”? That he’ll escalate in the hopes of using televised division to solidify his support? That he’ll be more than happy to use violence against American protestors on a scale unlike what we’ve seen in living memory? That he sees China’s “strength” during the “Tiananmen Square riots” as an example to emulate rather than an action to be abhorred?

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