Still, it’s unclear whether wealthy conservatives who have been backing the anti-Trump effort will want to put much more money into an ongoing campaign. Some top Rubio fundraisers — deeply disappointed by his exit from the race Tuesday after losing Florida — said Wednesday that they plan to stay out of the White House race for now.
“It’s onto the next thing, and the next thing is to keep control of the House and the Senate,” said Virginia developer Bob Pence, who was set to host a fundraiser Wednesday evening for five members of Congress. “That’s what I view as my role for the rest of the cycle.”
North Carolina retail executive Art Pope said he was considering running to be one of the state’s delegates to the national convention, rather than work to raise money for another presidential candidate…
“It’s time to get behind Donald and recognize that he brings something to the party that we’re lacking,” said Florida lobbyist Brian Ballard, who raised money for both Rubio and former Florida governor Jeb Bush, and represents Trump’s business interests in Florida. “I think we have to stop throwing rocks at one another and get comfortable with the idea of Donald Trump being our nominee.”
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