Time to break the pledge to support Trump

At a nationally televised debate not yet two weeks ago, the leading candidate of a national political party boasted of his priapic endowments. And yet that wasn’t the most embarrassing display of the evening.


After dousing Donald Trump in a verbal acid bath for two hours, both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz ended the debate with a torrent of capitulation, vowing once again to support Trump if he were the eventual GOP nominee. Even resident schoolmarm John Kasich, who is quick to peer down his long nose and scold others for unseemly debate theatrics, said he would back Trump if it came to it.

In doing so, each candidate unwound all the work they had done earlier in the debate to expose Trump as a fraud and a huckster. Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich all walked right into Trump’s trap: By pledging to support him, they reaffirmed Trump’s contention that they are effete sissy-men, chestless pushovers wilting in the presence of strength. At that point, Trump could have pulled out a golden trophy of himself — one presumes he has them on hand at all times — and presented it to himself on stage.

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