“My people aren’t violent. It’s these people who come in,” Trump said. “My people want to do one thing: Make America great again.” He repeatedly blamed Bernie Sanders’ campaign on the interruptions. “Bernie, get your people in line,” Trump said, vastly overstating the Sanders campaign’s organizational skills.
And yet Trump’s audiences are rather blasé about the whole affair. “He appeared to be a much gentler person in person,” said Ken Demers, a Medina, Ohio, resident who shrugged off Chicago’s violence and the protesters in Cleveland. “That was all George Soros,” he continued, blaming the liberal billionaire for Chicago’s protests. “He’s coordinating with the Democrats and the Establishment Republicans.”
Trump’s crowds, indeed, are convinced that this is an effort to sabotage their candidate—and are vowing to campaign harder and shout louder to help get Trump to the White House. “He’s talking about making America great again,” said Natalia Lesko, a 50-year-old Novelty, Ohio, resident who has internalized Trump’s slogan as Gospel. “There is nothing that these protesters can say to change my mind. Trump is my guy.”
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