“We’re shocked someone is fanning anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim sentiment!” exclaimed Obama of Trump, drawing a line between the candidate and the Republican Party’s base over the last several years. “We’re shocked! We’re shocked that someone could be loose with the facts—or distort someone’s record. Shocked!”
“How could you be shocked?” he continued, channeling Claude Rains’ character in Casablanca. “This was the guy who was sure I was born in Kenya. And wasn’t letting go… As long as it was being directed at me, they were fine with it! It was a hoot! And suddenly they’re shocked—shocked!—that gambling’s going on in this establishment.”…
Cue Obama: “[Trump is] a distillation of what has been going on in their party for more than a decade! This is the message that’s been fed—that you just deny the evidence of science. That compromise is a betrayal. That the other side isn’t simply wrong—we disagree—the other side is destroying the country! Or treasonous! Look it up, that’s what they’ve been saying. So they can’t be surprised when somebody says, ‘I can make up stuff better than that.’”
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