President Obama’s approval rating hit 52 percent on Friday, according to Gallup’s three-day average, the highest Obama has scored in Gallup’s approval poll since May 2013.
Most of Obama’s rise above the 50 percent mark is driven by Democrats, 87 percent of whom approved of Obama’s job performance (versus 11 percent of Republicans. “While it’s hard to pinpoint precisely why Obama’s approval rating has risen among Democrats recently,” Gallup said, “the unusual status of the Republican primary race — exemplified in particular by front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign style and rhetoric — may serve to make Obama look statesmanlike in comparison. At this point in their second terms, Gallup said, George W. Bush was at 32 percent, Bill Clinton was at 63 percent, and Ronald Reagan was at 51 percent.
Congress isn’t feeling the same love. Its approval rating is at 13 percent, according to Gallup’s polling, up from 9 percent in November 2013 but toward the lower end of the 11-16 percent range it has languished in since last August.
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