To save the Supreme Court, vote Trump over Clinton

Put it this way: Will conservatives, such as the great Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), or former RNC spokesman Doug Heye, or great contributors to the conservative movement such as Bill Kristol and Erik Erikson be better off with a Scalia replacement appointed by Hillary Clinton? Or one appointed by Donald Trump? Yet all of them are vowing not to back Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee.


I understand where they’re coming from, but I’m practical, and I’m willing to take my chances with The Donald.

Before Scalia’s death, Trump publicly said he’d tap justices in the mold of Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia. He even mentioned great nominees like current 11th Circuit Judge William Pryor and 7th Circuit Judge Diane Sykes.

Yet not supporting Trump would guarantee Clinton the power to make those appointments, and you can be sure her nominations short-list will not include Pryor or Sykes.

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