Across Florida, Republican support divides along gender, racial and generational lines. Trump holds a double-digit edge over Rubio among white voters (42 to 28 percent), while Rubio leads Trump by 49 to 20 percent among Hispanic Republicans, with Cruz at 21 percent. Trump leads Rubio by 12 points voters ages 50 and older, while they are nearly tied among those under age 50 (37 percent for Trump vs. 35 percent for Rubio). And Trump holds a 13-point lead among men (42 to 29 percent) while he and Rubio are about even among women Republican voters, 35 percent for Trump and 33 percent for Rubio…
Over half, 57 percent, view the New York businessman favorably, compared with 39 percent who view him unfavorably. Rubio is seen in a slightly more positive light, with 62 percent rating him favorably while 31 percent view him unfavorably. And while 24 percent find Trump “very unfavorable,” only 13 percent say the same of Rubio. Cruz is also viewed positively by 56 percent of Florida voters, compared with 35 percent who are unfavorable toward him.
Among Hispanic Republicans, Rubio has the highest favorability mark at 76 percent, slightly higher than Cruz’s 68 percent positive rating but far higher than Trump’s 36 percent favorable rating. Over 6 in 10 Hispanic Republicans report an unfavorable opinion of the GOP front-runner.
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