Rush is right: The GOP can't "Jim Crow" Trump voters at a convention

Rush Limbaugh noted on his program and on Fox over the weekend that the GOP Establishment’s plan now is to take the nomination from Trump at the convention. If Donald Trump has the delegate lead headed into the convention, even if it is short of 1,237, the GOP would destroy itself if they did not make Trump the Presidential nominee.


The way to beat Trump is to beat him in the primaries and caucuses, not steal from him the nomination when he gets the most votes. Playing cute by saying he needed 1,234 and came up short does not work in the real world when he has the most delegates.

This is why the GOP is having to deal with Donald Trump in the first place. The GOP elite in Washington, D.C. have lost their connection to middle America and think they can hide behind carve outs, loop holes, and side deals. They cannot any longer and Trump has exposed them for the cowards and cheats that they are.

Beat Trump at the ballot box, not the convention.

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