The illiberalism of the Trump alt-right to bloody the nose of the media is the exact mirrored image of the left’s desire to ban “hate speech.” Like all the other things that make America unique, we took a shared belief in these values for granted until the clever people realized there was a way to reposition rights as burdens, as impediments.
The person who figures out a good way to sell you that usually has the solution, and it feels liberating.
To vote for Trump is to validate; to vote for Trump is to participate. He is a crass, gutter-tongued, vulgar man whose self-regard blinds his ability to understand his own ignorance. A man who casually encourages the worst, enables the mediocre, and wafts aloft cartoon concepts of American greatness with gusts of flatulent banalities. It takes a certain kind of historical illiterate not to realize his facial postures are literally aping a second-rate Italian fascist.
Sorry for taking the long way; could have just linked and agreed. But the author’s points deserve interrogation. Short version: no. Long version: hell no. On the off chance history makes marks in a ledger: I will not support Trump if he is the nominee. I will not vote for him. The devil you know is still a devil, and worse yet: you don’t really know him at all.
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