We can still beat Donald Trump -- and here’s how

I’ve worked in a lot of campaigns and been fortunate enough to be on the winning side far more than losing. Every race is unique but from Florida governor’s races to the first elections in the Congo, there has been one constant: you could be ten points ahead or twenty behind, but there will always be a group of critics who are convinced they could do it better.


So it’s with apologies I offer up suggestions on how the non-Trump campaigns should take on Donald Trump and win. But the reality is that Trump is on a winning streak and if the dynamic continues, Trump will win the Republican nomination. That’s more than just a political disaster for Republicans; it’s a moral failure and a danger to the country. In all likelihood either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will crush Trump but strange things happen in politics and life. If nothing else, Clinton is under three separate federal investigations and, well, she’s just an awful candidate. She could lose to anyone….even Donald Trump.

Trump is a threat to the country most obviously because he of his unstable, child-like temperament. As is the case with many trust-fund babies, Trump has been isolated from the real world by his birth and it’s given him the assumption that he can lash out at anyone without repercussions.

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