Can he get the regular GOP base to come out and vote for him? Well, that’s the easiest trick in the book.
They came out for John McCain in ’08, and Mitt Romney in ’12, despite the years each had spent far off the reservation.
And he’ll be running against Hillary Clinton — who has personified evil for Republicans for more than two decades now.
With control of the Supreme Court on the line. It’ll be easy for The Donald to assure the base here: I loved Scalia — what a class act. Maybe I’d appoint his son — what a gorgeous service that was. Why can’t we put a priest on the court? By the way, the Catholics love me . . . Anyway, we’ll practically clone Scalia, and maybe that Alito guy too. I love Italians — such a warm people. Clarence Thomas — what a mensch. They tried the same crap with him that they’re trying with me. A great American.
Nor does the base much mind Trump’s major deviations from GOP orthodoxy: It’s the big donors who get hot and bothered on trade and immigration, but they have almost no votes, just money.
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