Many Portlanders like their lives that don’t contribute much, and if they could just get free health care—the governor who created the failed Oregon Health Plan and screwed up the state’s Obamacare exchange to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars was just run out of office on corruption charges in his fourth term—and erase their absurd college debt, they could afford the harissa-spiced Bloody Marys at the trendy new brunch spot and slide by selling colorful hemp guitar straps on Etsy without having to make any difficult or unselfish choices.
This Portlandia phenomenon isn’t unique to Oregon. You see the same discontent in trendy urban areas across the country in places such as San Francisco, Silver Lake, Brooklyn, and so on.
Speaking of Brooklyn, the location of Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters is more than a little symbolic here. In 2008, when she was still the presumptive favorite and faced with progressive, youthful insurgency, Clinton rallied around defending the Democratic white working class’s bitter clinger constituency. This time around, it’s obvious she’s bound and determined not to make that mistake again and wants to co-opt the enthusiasm of Sanders’s campaign more than repudiate it.
If you’re a gun owner, object to being forced to bake a wedding cake, or a rationally Democratic voter who still holds same decidedly unprogressive opinions that Clinton herself held five minutes ago, her 2016 campaign is likely to respond to your concerns with blog post festooned with Taylor Swift GIFs explaining why you’re the anti-Christ.
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