Rubio allies race to court Jeb Bush donors

There are signs Rubio could use a cash infusion.

His campaign raised about $5 million in January and ended the month with roughly the same amount in the bank, according to reports filed Saturday night with the Federal Election Commission. But only about half of Rubio’s remaining cash can be used for the primary fight. A pro-Rubio super PAC, Conservative Solutions PAC, collected even less in January than his campaign, nearly $2.5 million.


“There’s no doubt that the Rubio campaign and super PAC could use a bump,” Ballard said. “And it’s clear that it’s going to happen.”

The super PAC’s organizers appear confident they would have the necessary funds, announcing Saturday night that they would launch a new multi-state advertising campaign to boost Rubio ahead of a slew of Southern state primaries March 1. They did not say how much they would spend on the new ad buys.

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