Dolores Huerta: Sanders organizers shouted "English only" at casino caucus site

CNN caught up with Huerta after Clinton’s victory party.

“What happened is the person who was running the caucus said we need a translator and he said the first person that comes to the stage can be the translator, so I walked up to the front and then some of the organizers, the Bernie organizers, decided to shout ‘no, no, no.’ Then a Bernie person stood up and said, I can also do translation. So then the person running the caucus said we won’t have a translator.”


She added, “Then some of the organizers were shouting ‘English only, English only.’ This is bad.”

Huerta clarified that exchange on Twitter.

“I offered to translate & Bernie supporters chanted English only! We fought too long & hard to be silenced,” Huerta tweeted.

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