That became our new approach to dealing with those who were coming at us nasty and outraged. It formed our responses to those who chose to question. We understood that many of these people had a lack of education or personal experience that tied them to anyone transgender—or ever seeing the human side behind those they criticize. It was OK… we understood… and we knew that if we hadn’t had the personal experience with our own child, we may have our own difficulties or misunderstandings. Finding empathy allowed us to release any anger and focus on the one thing that could make a difference, which was continuing to educate people and trying to connect with them by sharing our very real, very raw, and very emotional story. We understood that it was only by allowing people to get to know us and our son that we would start to see change and understanding in people.
With our approach to peace, we have seen an effect on those who are quick to demean and chastise. We have seen opinions change and enlightenment begin. It’s an amazing experience, but we can’t reach it without acknowledging someone else’s viewpoints or opinions. It is only at that point in which they feel heard that they will in turn lend an ear.
For many, the backlash is about fear. For others, it’s about personal beliefs or religion. No matter what the reason for their criticism, we must attempt to understand how their opinions have been formed before we can ever attempt to alter that thinking. This is the only approach we feel is worth taking. Energy put toward anger is just wasted energy.
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