That’s exactly right. And it is why the ugly, barbaric, crude, demagogic Donald J. Trump, at times like these, is doing his country a favor. The Republican Party created this monster. He is Nemesis for the hubris of the George W. Bush years and all that has followed. They deserve him. Whether America does is a different question.
(And by the way, to the extent that Bernie Sanders lays into Hillary Clinton for the sins of the Democrats in doing Wall Street’s bidding under her husband’s presidency and beyond, he is serving a similar constructively destructive role in his party. I invite all my Democratic readers (and everybody else, but especially them) to watch this 2009 episode of PBS’s Frontline, called “The Warning”, or read the transcript. It is damning to the Democrats as well as the Republicans in Congress. I wish Bernie would start talking about Brooksley Born, and what official Washington did to her, bipartisanally.)
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