John Kasich needs to stop hugging people

This clip — of a distraught young man hugging John Kasich — is being passed around the internet as a heartwarming moment during an otherwise-brutal campaign. The kid apparently lost a close friend and mentor to suicide, his parents got divorced, and his father lost his job — three things that understandably put him in a “dark place for a long time.” He says he found hope in his faith, his friends, and in Kasich. He then asks for “one of those hugs” that Kasich’s been talking about.


Kasich responds by talking about the “pain of people all around this country” and then says “we don’t have enough people that sit down and cry with that young man.”

At the risk of betraying my own dark heart, I didn’t see anything inspiring about that embrace. Instead, I saw a troubled student who was placing far too much stock in the personality of a politician, a candidate who is feeding the notion that his campaign represents some kind of group counseling session, and a disturbing flip side to Trumpian politics of rage – a politics of all the feels.

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