The GOP sitcom just got serious

The death of Justice Antonin Scalia has brought into harsh focus what we all knew were the stakes in this election – the composition of the Supreme Court, the final obstacle to complete progressive control. But we put that aside as we watched, and sometimes even enjoyed, the antics of Donald Trump. We’ve also tolerated the sad decline of Dr. Ben Carson from forthright hero to whiny, unready also-ran, the bizarre rush to the left of John Kasich, and the entitlement ego trip that is the quixotic crusade of Jeb Bush.


The nonsense needs to end. This just got real.

The next president will appoint Justice Scalia’s replacement, and thereby determine whether the Supreme Court will remain a bulwark of liberty or a tool of liberal fascism – that is, assuming that sad sack Mitch McConnell stays sacked up and refuses to allow a vote on whatever token commie Obama decides to nominate.

Of course, if (when) McConnell sells out conservatives again to preserve the ridiculous prerogatives of his beloved debating society and lets Obama’s pick get a vote, it’s over. Sanctimonious little GOP trolls like the repellant Lindsey Graham will eagerly confirm whichever Che-loving creep President Fail sends up the Hill. And the GOP will be broken for good as we conservatives depart in disgust, half voting for Trump and ensuring his nomination and half simply checking out. Either way, that’s likely to mean a Democrat president, a Democrat Senate, a Democrat Supreme Court, and an inevitable rebellion (maybe merely political, maybe much worse) against the socialist blueprint liberals will attempt to impose upon a country left undefended by the Constitution progressives hate and will never enforce.


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