South Carolina must eliminate either Rubio or Jeb

I’ve written here before that the assumption that Trump has hit his ceiling at 35% is completely unfounded and ignores historical trends of GOP voters. And besides, even if Trump stays at 35%, that’s enough for him to dominate the delegate count if the field does not thin behind him sooner rather than later.


John Kasich is dedicated to his insane strategy of waiting until after Super Tuesday to seriously contest a state. John Kasich is not interested in listening to reason or to the will of conservative voters, so even though he’s already screwed, there’s no real point in telling him that on the front page of RedState. He’s mainly fighting for independents and Democrats anyway.

Rubio and Jeb, on the other hand, are fighting for the exact same pile of Republican voters, and the time has come for them to settle this issue decisively. By the time the dust clears, one way or another, from South Carolina (or at the very least after Nevada), one of them needs to realize the jig is up and go back home, for the good of the party.

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