How the left's immigration tactics created Donald Trump

Those who feel otherwise have been dismissed by left-wing mouthpieces as racists or right-wing terrorists, despite the fact that most simply insist the president enforce the law and put their interests above those from elsewhere. You know, do the job he was elected to do. Is it any wonder that Trump’s pledges to build a wall on our southern border and halt Muslim immigration, at least temporarily, are gaining steam?


The president and his ideological cronies have created a monster, and he has terrible hair. But rather than incurring the wrath of the mob himself, the monster is leading it straight to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, pitchforks in hand.

As Martin Luther King once said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” This is a riot alright, albeit a moral and philosophical one, and those making the noise have been repeatedly rebuffed by an administration that feels it can run roughshod over a country that stripped it of both houses of Congress.

All animals, humans included, turn aggressive when threatened. Trump is merely Middle America’s way of flashing its fangs, a warning that if you keep it up, you might get bit.

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