Uh oh: New Cruz ad hits Trump's character, accuses him of 'sleaze'

The 60-second spot, shared first with CNN, is part of a six-figure ad buy that will hit voters’ TV screens across South Carolina starting as early as Thursday. It centers around Vera Coking, an elderly widow who faced the threat of losing her home in Atlantic City when the city tried to seize it through eminent domain — in order to allow Trump to build a casino parking lot.


“Vera Coking’s home was all she had left but it stood in Donald Trump’s way and the limousine parking lot he wanted for his casino,” the narrator says. “To him, she was a nobody.”

The ad flashes to an October 16 Washington Post article about Trump’s ties to the mob in Atlantic City, and slams the real estate mogul for having “bankrolled politicians to steamroll the little guy — a pattern of sleaze stretching back decades.”

It also shows footage of Coking saying about Trump, “Heart? He doesn’t have no heart, that man.”

The ad closes with this ominous warning: “Trump uses power for personal gain. Imagine the damage he could do as president.”

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