Why young Christians are falling for Marco Rubio

Rubio, however, gives many indications that he is willing to let his faith cost him something in politics. See how he explained to George Stephanopoulos that his “with no exceptions” stand on restricting abortion is rooted in principle, even if that puts him at odds with the sentiments of a majority of Americans. “The broader point I’ve made, however, is I believe all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws,” Rubio said. “That’s what I deeply and personally believe. And I’m not going to change my position on something of — that is so deep in me in order to win an election.”



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These voters appreciate that Rubio is willing to talk about religious faith on its own terms, as in the video of him responding to an atheist at a campaign event. This video has gone viral among religiously engaged Facebook users, in part because it showcases Rubio doing two things that young religious conservatives aspire to do: 1. boldly proclaim a faith that influences “every part of my life,” as Rubio put it, while remaining winsome; 2. explain why their faith is good on terms non-believers might understand, or at least accept. Rubio even outlines his faith in theological terms. He hired a faith outreach director, Eric Tetsel, who was a signatory to the Manhattan Declaration, a Christian manifesto. In his biography, Rubio explains his return to the Catholic Church with references to the kind of theologically serious authors that Catholics read today.


In other words, Rubio is the kind of Christian who young Christians believe is truly committed to his faith and who won’t embarrass them constantly. That is a powerful connection for young voters who mostly sense that their faith is merely (and barely) tolerated in the elite circles of culture that they aspire to influence.

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