The science behind straight women’s love for gay men

Specifically, I believe evolutionary psychology and human mating can help explain why relationships between straight women and gay men tend to flourish.

At first glance, this explanation may seem quite counterintuitive. (After all, straight women and gay men don’t mate with one another.)


However, this is precisely the reasoning behind my approach. Because gay men don’t mate with women—or compete with them for mates—women feel a certain level of comfort with gay men, and the process of forming a close friendship can occur relatively quickly. With heterosexual men (who, by definition, are sexually attracted to women), the process is longer—and potentially more fraught—because men may be grappling with their own sexual impulses.

In other words, because gay men are attracted to their own gender, they’re a “safe bet” for women—at least, from a sociobiological standpoint.

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