Why so many evangelicals have faith in Donald Trump

Jonathan Cody Hildebrand, a 19-year-old sophomore studying marketing, said he likes Trump, Cruz and Carson — but he plans to vote in the Virginia primary for Trump because he has the best chance of beating Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.


“What I do know is that the Republican ideals line up with my Christian faith, so anyone on the right is better suited for me than anyone on the left,” Hildebrand said. “I know a lot of people speak of his ego and how that’s not a Christian value — but I honestly think his ego is what gets things done. I’m okay with an egotistical president. He wants to be the best, and I think for that reason, he gets things done.”…

Kenny Brown, 62, who owns a company that makes machine parts, said that he respects the religious beliefs of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) but that Huckabee’s “spiritual beliefs are so hard, so strong,” that they could get in the way of leading the nation. Brown said he likes that Trump has a good set of guiding morals but would put the good of the country above all else.

“He does lose his temper quite often, but Jesus lost his temper quite often, too,” Brown said. “. . . He’s not a perfect man, not perfect by a long ways, but when you look at what our country needs, you’ve got to have a good man, an honest man.”

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