Bush fundraiser to donors: "I need you to throw away money on Jeb -- out of loyalty"

POLITICO talked to nearly two dozen major donors, and most say they are waiting for what one veteran Republican and former Bush 43 administration appointee described as the “family hall pass” to jump to another campaign after the New Hampshire primary.


“I’m resigned to it being over, frankly. It’s really disappointing,” said one top Bush Wall Street donor. “I’d urge him to get out after New Hampshire if he doesn’t do well, but he probably won’t.”…

“Hey, I need you to throw away money on Jeb — out of loyalty,” a Bush fundraiser has told donors recently…

“Donors I’ve talked to are desperate not to abandon Jeb because of their long bonds and loyalty with the family, but they are also recognizing there is no ROI [return on investment] on this campaign,” said Rick Wilson, a veteran Florida political operative who is backing Rubio. “The sense of these folks is it is so sad. They whisper to each other, ‘When will Jeb go?'”

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