Time for a second look at John Kasich?

John Kasich, the Ohio governor who’s struggling with other candidates to get recognized in the chorus of the ubiquitous Donald Trump Show, probably ought to re-think his new “America: Never Give Up.” ad campaign.


It rather begs the question that the “Jeb can fix it” campaign that fellow chorus member Jeb Bush faced: “Fix what, Jeb? Your campaign?”

But before the wise-guy wags urge Kasich to “Never Give Up” his campaign, thoughtful voters might want to give him a long, hard look, particularly, given the media coverage – or lack of it — he’s endured.

A December 24 CNN/ORC poll showed that 47 percent of voters – nearly half — had either never heard of Kasich or had no opinion about him, the highest of any candidate polled.

I’m on record as having said that Kasich won the “Bank of America” exchange with Ted Cruz in the last debate, where Cruz said he would “absolutely not” intervene to stop the collapse of a Big Four international bank. That’s because Kasich was right: a president would need to ensure that depositors – not banks themselves – are saved so that they aren’t left penniless (and to avoid runs on other banks by fearful depositors that would collapse the financial system.)But days after the debate Rush Limbaugh and other right-leaning commentators were repeating the meme that Kasich had said he would “bail out the banks.” The debate transcript shows otherwise.

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