The game Trump is playing on the media and us

Look at this. This is clickbait “journalism” from the Washington Post. It’s about Trump, naturally. The Facebook meta-title of this post invites us to “break down the latest amazing photo from a Donald Trump rally.” The actual title of the piece is “The Only Donald Trump photo you need to see on this.” The message is clear: Click on this, not the other piece about Trump right below it.


The strategy is working. In November, the Washington Post got more monthly uniques than The New York Times. Cable news ratings are the highest they’ve ever been. Trump saved journalism in 2015, and by “journalism” we mean editors and reporters who believe that images of Trump’s whackadoodle supporters need to be “broken down” — or at least pretend they do to get clicks.

This would be funny if it did not have real-world, and potentially history-making consequences in the hijacking of a nomination process by a B-list reality TV celeb and the coronation of Hillary Clinton that would inevitably ensue as a result.

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