A depressing campaign, and an election we need

If voters simply shrug at mediocrity, nothing changes. Reforming big things can’t happen without a catalyst, as frustration grows into the will to act. Systems, institutions and bureaucracies that for too long have failed — failed to keep us safe, failed to adapt and become more fiscally efficient, failed to educate poor children, failed to expand opportunity — may find that an angry electorate is no longer willing to tolerate failure.


A dramatically reshaped landscape, demographically and technologically, paired with deep and expressed voter anger, may mean politicians are forced before long to come to grips with tides bigger than themselves. Enough, voters are saying.

The depression of voters seems like nothing to celebrate, and a Clinton vs. Trump election is not one I’d savor. Disgust and disdain at Washington may manifest itself in a whole host of ways, for good or for ill. But like many illnesses, those unpleasant symptoms are often part and parcel of the process of being cured.

What a depressing campaign this has been. But it also just may lead to the election we need.

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