"[T]he more preparation one has had for this job, it’s almost like it’s a detriment than it is an asset"

“This has been, of all the election cycles I’ve been involved in, this has been one of the most bewildering, because it’s almost as if the more experience, the more preparation one has had for this job, it’s almost like it’s a detriment than it is an asset,” Huckabee told a crowd in Urbandale…


“We’ve got some people on the ballot who have been in the Senate, been in the Congress. If you want to blame them, go ahead. You can’t blame me because I didn’t govern in Washington,” he said.

Huckabee also urged voters to side with a candidate who has executive experience and knows how to “shepherd” legislation.

“If somebody comes and tells you, ‘vote for me because I’m a fighter,’ I just want to ask you something: if you fight but never win, what’s the point?” Huckabee said.

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