Meet the man behind the "Trump is disgusting" skywriting

“This is not over,” Pate told CBS News. “This is just beginning.”

Pate said that he has bought similar, smaller banner ads at the Orange Bowl, the Cotton Bowl and the Sugar Bowl. AirSign, the Florida-based airborne ad firm contracted to fly the anti-Trump messages, confirmed the buys.


“He spews hate, not only on every candidate, he spews it on women, Latinos, Muslims and the list goes on,” Pate said. “And it’s just time we respond and say this is not what we expect out of a candidate running for president.”

Pate has gone the aerial route before. He once flew a banner over the 2010 national college football championship saying, “IMPEACH CORRUPT ALABAMA GOVERNOR BOB RILEY.” Riley was the state’s governor from 2003 to 2011, who got on Pate’s bad side once he pushed to raised taxes.

For 2016, Pate was an early donor to Rubio’s campaign.

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