In Iowa, Huckabee allies plot offensive against "fraud" Ted Cruz

“All options are on the table from our perspective,” said Blain Rethmeier, a spokesman for the group. “We believe Sen. Cruz is a fraud, and we hope to make that apparent to the conservatives taking part in the process in Iowa.”


Rethmeier described the anti-Cruz campaign as “easily a six-figure effort” up through the Feb. 1 caucuses, with an increased level of activity in the near future. The super PAC plans to zero in on three areas where it believes Cruz is most vulnerable: immigration, faith and ethanol.

Word of the anti-Cruz campaign comes as he prepares to blitz the state for a six-day, 36-county bus tour starting Monday. It also comes as polls show Cruz emerging as a front-runner for the caucuses, with Huckabee struggling to gain traction in a state whose nominating contest he won eight years ago.

“As Sen. Cruz blankets the state during his bus tour … expect us to hold his feet to the fire on his statements and any mischaracterization he makes,” Rethmeier said.

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