Trump vs. Hillary: Be careful what you wish for, Democrats

Donald Trump may seem like the ideal Republican to run against. As a presidential candidate, much of what he says is crude, ill-informed, or deceptive — and often racist and sexist. In a general election campaign, his remarks would be offensive not only to women, Muslims, and assorted minority voters, but to anyone who puts thoughtful debate ahead of juvenile name-calling.


Yet some Trump declarations do ring true. For example: As Trump suggests, Hillary Clinton does have a Bill Clinton problem.

On one hand, that’s old news. The good, bad, and ugly sides of the former president have long been part of the Clinton political equation. The new element is the willingness of the apparent Republican front-runner to call the presumed Democratic front-runner out on it, in the same way he mocks Jeb Bush for a “low energy” problem or Marco Rubio for a perspiration problem…

It’s an uncomfortable spot for liberals and feminists. To support Hillary Clinton, they must continue the old argument that issues and policy matter more than her husband’s behavior. And besides, they say, it’s Hillary Clinton, not her husband, who is running for president. She’s not responsible for his actions. But she played a role in backing them up. It’s complicated. Marital issues can be rationalized as personal, yet the Clintons’ political marriage makes them “fair game.”

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